tirsdag 15. mars 2011

The Nordic Wars - Carl XII - what happened? Pt. 1

Hello, Vavva here. As I've written some posts now, maybe I should reveal my true name and age, as Vavva is, obviously, a pseudonym. My true name is John Halvor Rykkelid, a history-interested 15-year old boy, being obsessed with history for some time. I thought spreading my knowledge through the Internet could be nice, as I don't like popular histoy writing today. You usually have to dig some deeper into professional literature, but normal people won't do so, so most people is left with the sad leftover of the history books and stories, learning almost nothing.

And then, back to the topic:

The bullets fly everywhere. Some are hit, some stand and fire. The date is 22nd of November 1718, the place is Fredriksten, a Norwegian (Danish) fortress bordering Sweden. The Swedish king Carl (Charles) XII besieges the fortress in order to take Norway. As he raises up in the Swedish trench to watch the hostile barricades himself, one of his officers warns him; he may be shot. "Don't be afraid", the Swedish king says, just when a bullet fulfills the officer's worst thoughts as Carl dies instantly, 36 years old. A luck shot, maybe - or something deeper?

Firstly, we must look on the political situation at the time. Sweden, being the greatest power of the northern Europe, is war-tired after 18 years of war, the Great Nordic War. A anti-Swedish coalition consisting of Denmark, Russia, Poland-Lithuania (covering most of today's Belarus, Poland and Lithauania) tries to end the Swedish dominance in the Baltic. The Swedish young king, Carl XII, is very interested, bordering to obsessed, in soldiering, and wins his first victory over the coalition in Narva, 1700, against Russia. Outnumbered 1:5 (8000 vs 40 000) the Swedish wins the battle, and the Russians realise they may have to deal with their military inferiority. The decision is proven to be crucial later. Victory follows victory for the Swedish army, and the coalition is partly disbanded. But Russia stays, though they still lose many battles. Carl moves to the south to seek a total destruction of the Russian army, but as troops are moved to the front, the Swedish regions at the east side of the Baltic sea (except Finland) are lost to the Russians. Though common sense may say he should've stayed and managed his great empire, he wanted battles...

In 1709, the Swedish are stuck. They are out in the front, far away from home, in Poltava, Ukraine. And the Russians follow them. What Carl doesn't know, is that the Russians have formed a "new model army" being far more dangerous to the Swedes. To make a long story short, though I'll tell the long one another time, the Swedes loses decisevely at Poltava, shattering the army and ruining Carl's plans. The old coalition smells blood and declares war at Sweden, weakening the bankrupt empire, leeched out of troops and money. After some less-fortunate campaigns, Carl tries his last one: To invade Norway. Which ended so tragically.

But, what happened?


Please correct me if some numbers, dates or facts are incorrect.

Vavva, or

John Halvor Rykkelid

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